Female leader spotlight: Maria Gothlin, Soundtrack Brand

Image showing E-commerce in icons.

Today, e-commerce is a part of everyday life. Although the term is often used to describe any type of website, in reality, an e-commerce site is a specific type of webpage. 

Below, we’ll dive into what an e-commerce website is, the types of e-commerce sites available, and what you need to create an effective e-commerce site for your business.  

E-commerce, or electronic commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods and services via the internet. Basically, it’s a business model that involves sales being made on the web.

Virtually every online shop is considered an e-commerce site, from the giants like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy to the mom-and-pop stores that offer their goods for purchase online. Even restaurants that offer online ordering are considered e-commerce sites. 

Not all websites are considered e-commerce sites. Company websites can also be found on the internet. 

Company websites allow users to find information about a company, its services, and different products. However, it does not allow users to make a purchase. These sites serve as more of an informational source than a profit-driving source. 

There are five main types of e-commerce websites, each defined by the business model. These types of e-commerce sites include:

  • Business-to-consumer, or B2C
  • Business-to-business, or B2B
  • Consumer-to-business, or C2B
  • Business-to-administration, or B2A
  • Consumer-to-administration, or C2A
  • Consumer-to-business or C2B

No matter the type of business you have, having an e-commerce website is essential. Having an online site can help expand the reach of your business, providing you with more customers or clients. By growing your client base and customer pool, you can also potentially earn more money, boosting your company’s profits. 

Some business owners also choose to launch their businesses only from an e-commerce site, meaning they don’t have a storefront. This can help save on costs and is especially beneficial as we continue to navigate the coronavirus pandemic, leaving more and more people to turn to the internet for their shopping needs. 

Although there are many e-commerce website design services out there that help business owners create their site on their own, some people may prefer to bring in professionals to help with this critical task.

An e-commerce website development company specializes in custom e-commerce website design. It brings in and employs experts to help you create a website that is not only pleasing to look at and follows your company’s established brand but can help increase your visibility on the web. 

Often, these companies will have people who:

  • Know the best language to build e-commerce website pages. These are writers who specialize in search engine optimization, helping more customers find your services and products. 
  • Web developers who specialize in custom e-commerce website development. They’ll know how to create a site that is not only beautiful but functional as well. They have the knowledge to integrate visuals and ensure a good user experience for customers.
  • Many providers of e-commerce website developmental services also employ proofreaders to ensure your e-commerce site is error-free, both in copy and function. 

Your e-commerce website consultants will be able to walk you through the building process and will let you know how to create a quality and effective e-commerce site. It is important that your site contains:

  • Product photos. If you are selling products, make sure people can see them. Photos can help make customers more confident in their purchase and help people find your store. 
  • Persuasive copy. You’ll need a copy for every page of your website. Not only will your site need page descriptions, but also product or service descriptions. Even the buttons people click to navigate your site will need a copy that includes strong calls to action. 
  • A shopping cart. This allows people to add products as they find them rather than requiring people to check out one item at a time. This is a standard feature on all e-commerce sites. 
  • A search bar. If you sell multiple products, make it easy for customers to find exactly what they want through a simple search of your site. 
  • Contact and business information. Make it easy for customers to know what your company does and who you are with a logo and information page. You’ll also want to make it simple for them to reach you with questions or concerns. Simplifying the ways for them to get in touch with you can give shoppers more trust in your business. 
  • A secure payment method. E-commerce’s defining feature is the ability to make sales online. Be sure you have an easy and secure checkout process so that customers feel comfortable transacting with their cards in your online store.  




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