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image of various vitamins and supplements.

Nutraceutical merchant accounts are developed by both domestic and international businesses in all sectors of the nutraceutical industry.

Nutraceutical merchants are businesses that market nutrients, nutritional supplements, and herbal goods to customers to increase their appearance, fitness, sexual appetite, vitality, encourage healthier skin and biological functions.

Nutraceuticals are eaten daily by millions of consumers all around the world. The global wellness industry is worth $4.2 trillion a year and is rising at the double the pace of the global economy. Wellness accounts for 5.3 percent of the global economic production.

Are you a nutraceutical company searching for payment service merchant accounts that run smoothly?

You’ve arrived at the right spot. For nutraceutical merchant accounts, you can receive payments from both national and international consumers quickly and comfortably.

  1. Low Rates: Combine cutting-edge technologies with low-interest rates. Please email us right away for your no-obligation pricing comparison.
  1. Fast Approvals: Increase the number of orders placed more quickly. The majority of accounts are approved within 1-3 days.
  1. Quick Settlements: Payments made for debit or credit cards are settled the next day. For qualified accounts, same-day settlements are available.
  1. Extensive Network of US & International Banks: Obtain a single account. To reduce processing risk, diversify accounts among different acquiring banks.
  1. Load Balancing: It simplifies the handling of several accounts. Processes should be spread among accounts. Get more volume as soon as possible. A centralized dashboard that is easy to use.
  1. Rich Cloud Reporting: Quickly obtain up-to-date reports. Add fields and change formats to suit your needs.
  1. Fraud Fighting Tools: Secure the organization from cybercriminals. Accept successful orders as soon as possible. Prevent illegal purchases from happening.
  1. Decrease Chargebacks: Chargeback avoidance and mitigation programs assist you in managing and safeguarding your Nutra merchant accounts.

High-Risk Merchant Services for Nutraceuticals

Although there are many well-established nutraceutical companies, banks perceive the market to be high risk. 

The lack of regulatory requirements for nutraceutical products is one of the reasons for the high-risk designation. Increased chargeback risk, as well as continuity billing models focused on recurring payments.

Nonetheless, there are excellent manufacturing solutions available for Nutra merchants. We can quickly build nutraceutical merchant accounts for debit/credit card processing at meager rates across our extensive network of banks welcoming to the nutraceutical industry.

Add electronic check delivery to the merchant accounts to increase transactions from merchants who have exhausted their credit cards, do not have credit cards, or choose to pay with a checking account rather than a credit card. Electronic checks often have lower prices than credit cards, which saves you money on payment costs.

Many nutraceutical products are eligible for nutraceutical merchant accounts, including:

  • blood sugar balancing for anti-aging
  • a cleanser for the colon
  • supplementation of vitamins, nutrients, and hormones
  • boosters of the immune system
  • items for metabolic and musculoskeletal fitness
  • dietary supplements
  • cosmetics
  • enhancers of sexual success
  • stress reduction
  • minerals and vitamins
  • supplements for weight loss and fitness

Application for nutraceutical merchant accounts is often open and without obligation. Our mission is to provide you with the best payment processing terms, lowest costs, and quickest approvals.

Excessive volume Nutra merchant accounts are our specialty. Get the processing power you need to handle and develop your nutraceutical business.

Ingredients are scrutinized to guarantee that they will be marketed in the countries where they are offered. Few ingredients are available in some countries but not in others.

Following the analysis of the product ingredients, websites and marketing materials are reviewed to ensure no unproven statements regarding the goods being offered. 

This is achieved because federal authorities have recently shut down several nutraceutical firms for fraudulent and deceptive food ads.  

As a precaution, the underwriting team regularly ensures that nutraceutical sellers comply and legally enforce all laws and regulations. As part of the underwriting process, processing history is checked with an eye against chargebacks.

It’s perfect if chargebacks are tiny. If chargebacks are increasing, describe why and what is being done to manage them. Naturally, make sure your business bank account has enough funds to support the processing volumes listed on the application form. 

As part of the underwriting procedure, the credit score of the account’s signer is reviewed. If your reputation isn’t perfect, a co-signer with decent credit will help you get the account signed.

Underwriters examine all pages on blogs or smartphone applications. Check that all pages open quickly and show correctly. Privacy, refund, delivery plans, and all other applicable policies must be shown.

Underwriting teams can contact email addresses and phone numbers to ensure that good customer service is delivered. You would not be able to say whether an underwriter phones or writes because it would seem to be an interested customer calling you. 

Ensure that all phone calls and emails are returned as soon as possible. If calls are diverted to voice mail, name the business and what the caller may expect to hear from you. Using email autoresponders to let consumers know you got their email and when they should expect an answer. Then respond within the timeline specified.

The underwriting team often scans the internet for reviews on the firm, its products, and its owners. It is an intelligent thing to do this yourself so that you are aware of what is available. Of course, no business has excellent ratings. Nonetheless, if negative remarks are found, do your best to respond positively. This demonstrates your concern for your clients and your online credibility.

Account clearance is more likely for nutraceutical merchants who follow these simple tips. And assist you in securing the lowest prices, the highest processing caps, and the most adaptable reserves.

We start every new client interaction with an in-depth discovery call where we get to know each other