Female leader spotlight: Maria Gothlin, Soundtrack Brand

Image of a man using social media for his business on a smart phone.

The rapid growth of Instagram, which is a famous photo and video sharing site, continues. According to the data, 300 million users actively spend time on Instagram every day.

Instagram, which is used quite actively, attracts companies, brands, boutiques, and entrepreneurs who want to sell on Instagram. In this article, we will talk about what is required to sell on Instagram, how to increase Instagram sales, and how to sell on Instagram.

First of all, what are the tricks of selling on Instagram? Let’s start with them and list the points that need attention.

There are many accounts on Instagram that sell in various categories. While some of them sell their own products, some make money by selling the products they supply.

When issues such as shopping, money, and trust are included, the points to be considered are also increased. If you want to open a boutique on Instagram and become a platform where users can shop safely, the items listed below can give you an idea.

  1. Find a Catchy and Creative Name

The first thing to do is to find a name to create catchy, original brand equity. When this name is easily remembered and memorable by users, you can become more accessible.

You do not need to rush to find a name; you can eliminate alternatives by jotting down the names that come to mind and taking the opinion of the people around you.

  1. Make an Appropriate Budget

If you are going to sell your products on Instagram, you will need upfront capital to respond instantly to customer demands.

Using this capital, you can prepare the products you will sell to work in stock and send the customer without waiting when the order arrives. Of course, it doesn’t end with just that.

If you are going to work with a team, you may have to pay them, or you may need to rent a place to store your products and manage processes. For this, it would be appropriate to start with a capital that can handle your business efficiently.

If you want to enter this business without allocating capital and do not want to store products, you can use the trading model called Dropshipping. In this method, you have to agree with a wholesaler or distributor that supplies the products you sell.

After paying the wholesale price of the incoming orders to these companies, you can order the products that need to be supplied and have the company send your orders to your customers.

  1. Set Account Privacy Public

It is not very useful to use the account you will sell in secret. Users who are curious about you and want to review the products are likely to give up after seeing the account is locked. For this reason, it is helpful to set your profile public.

  1. Dealing with Shipping Companies

If you want to sell your products, you can agree with the shipping companies in the vicinity to avoid paying too much shipping costs. In this way, you can provide shipping at much more affordable prices in a specific transaction volume.

If you pay a fixed shipping fee, you can add this fee to the products’ prices and sell your products with a free shipping label.

  1. Don’t Be Afraid to Advertise.

Advertising is an essential point for this business, as it is in any business. To reach more customers, you can advertise on Instagram or have your advertisement done for a fee by agreeing with popular pages.

  1. Use Hashtags

One of the best ways to reach more users is to use hashtags. You can attract users’ attention by using randomly selected hashtags that describe the relevant product.

  1. Keep In Touch with Your Customers

Communicating with users who want to shop from your boutique will earn you plus points. Many users may want to ask you questions on various topics, or users who place an order can return, exchange, shipping, etc., may want to contact you on matters.

As a simple solution, you can create a WhatsApp communication line, specify your e-mail address or create a telephone support line.

Launched in 2010 and currently has over 800 million users, Instagram has become a very popular social network, as we all know.

In particular, this process continued without slowing down after Facebook bought Instagram. Being easy to apply, various and ever-changing filters, many features such as video sharing help Instagram to maintain its place, and it seems that it will continue to be.

Thanks to these features of Instagram, brands can catch their potential customers by developing various strategies. They use photos and videos to position themselves.

Using a treasure like Instagram! Brands use the media with the most user increase among social media platforms to reach the right customers. People prefer to see photos and videos over reading. As a result, they reach more potential and right customers with more participation.

For this reason, let’s take a look at four simple strategies that you can apply very easily.

Set Your Target Audience Correctly: The first step should be to dig deep into your potential customers. Find out about your customer’s interests, likes, and hobbies. Within the framework of this information, you will associate your customer with your content.

Contact Your Potential Customer: You can use the form filling process for this. You can turn your potential customers into your actual customers by getting the phone or e-mail information of the prospective customers who fill out the form and by communicating in a short time without losing time.

You Can Create Advertising Campaigns For Instagram: By making on-site targeting, you can attract the audience you are addressing. Your advertising campaigns should be noticeable to your customers and provide a high return rate.

Have a Noticeable and Descriptive Profile: To attract your potential customers, you must have a biography that complements your brand, using your company name with your company slogan. This will also be your business card.

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