What is a high-risk merchant account?

Image of levels of risk written on blocks.

If you run an online business that has a higher risk of chargebacks and you want to process credit card transactions, then you need a high-risk merchant account.  To open a high risk merchant account, you would need to find an acquiring bank that will underwrite your business. However, it is good to ask a […]

What is a Forex merchant account?

Image of a graph or forex trading.

Forex is short for Foreign Exchange and is a global over the counter market from which foreign currencies are bought, sold and traded. It is the largest and most fluid trading market with over $5 trillion in transactions per day. The Forex market is open 24 hours a day, including most holidays.  There are two […]

Tips for Securing a High-Risk Merchant

Any business that experiences a high number of chargebacks is deemed as a high-risk business. Some characteristics of a high-risk merchant are: Why Do You Need a High-Risk Merchant Account?  Source: https://myventurepad.com/things-you-need-to-know-about-high-risk-credit-card-processing/ High Rate of Chargebacks If your company receives a lot of chargebacks, this is a warning sign for merchant account providers. Although this […]

How to choose the best travel merchant account

Image of suitcases in airport. Travel concept.

Travelling has become so easy due to a high number of low-cost carriers, hotel and apartment booking sites, and internet access to global sites. However, meeting customers’ expectations is a real hurdle for travel companies. But, with the right travel merchant account, you can stay ahead of the competition. The travel industry is labelled high […]

High-Risk Merchant Services for Nutraceuticals

Image of various nutraceuticals.

People are increasingly turning to holistic and alternative modes of healthcare. This has resulted in an explosion in vitamins, supplements, and other products to improve people’s health without using medications or surgery. Nonetheless, since this is such a modern and emerging market with so many factors, many merchant service providers hesitate to provide payment processing […]

E-Commerce Tips for Your High-Risk Business

Image of the words helpful tips and a lightbulb.

If your business or sector is considered risky, you’ll have a hard time having a regular account with most acquirers. Usually, most enterprises will be required to use a high-risk merchant account, which comes with a slew of limitations and higher transaction fees. Another repercussion that high-risk businesses should be mindful of is chargeback thresholds. […]

Do THC/CBD companies need a high-risk merchant account?

Image of CBD oil.

Talking about high-risk merchant accounts, a lot of modern businesses are in need of one. But first, why do businesses need a CBD merchant account? What makes it essential for businesses to go for CBD merchant processing? And what about CBD payment processing? We will try to answer all these questions in this write-up.  CBD […]

Credit Card Processing for Debt Collection Agencies

Image of a women paying online with a credit card.

In today’s world, more business is conducted online, and fewer consumers are holding cash. Companies understand the benefit of having additional, versatile paperless payment options. Collection agencies are no different. With payment cards accounting for almost one-quarter of all sales, collections credit card processing is a win-win situation for all involved. It is in both […]

SBA (or Other) Loans for Online Businesses

Image of a loan being approved on a laptop.

Are you thinking of starting your own online business? Or, have one that you need to expand? You will need some funds to make it possible. Discover some loan options available to small businesses from the SBA and private lenders. Then find tips to help you choose the right loan for you.    SBA Business […]

How to secure a merchant account for your CBD business

Image of CBD oil.

CBD products have been around for years however, hemp has become legal in the 2018 Farm Bill and has been instrumental in thrusting the market for CBD products. Notwithstanding, the payment processing industry has not been so welcoming and this has led to many challenges in the industry and CBD merchants. A CBD merchant account […]