Female leader spotlight: Maria Gothlin, Soundtrack Brand

Photo Credit: Corporate Identity concept. Human hand with a black marker on a white background.

Corporate identity is the totality of the work that represents the stance of the company inside or outside the company and ensures that customers recognize the company at a glance. 

Corporate identity also leaves a more reliable impression on the customers as it makes the company look professional. The basis of these works is the logo consisting of the corporate name and the emblem. 

Apart from this, all visual communication materials are shaped based on logo design. Corporate identity is also very important as it makes the company visible in both B2B marketing and B2C marketing and increases its awareness among customers. 

Since it is the most basic advertising work, it is almost impossible for a company without a corporate identity to be recognized and grow. However, a well-designed corporate identity will always be catchy and increase marketing activities as it will add reputation to the company in the eyes of customers. 

Among the corporate identity studies, it was determined to what extent and how each work will be used, from logo to office design, from employees’ clothes to vehicle top dressing, from letterhead to signage, from website to packaging design. 

The manual that includes the entire identity system of the organization is called the ‘‘Corporate Identity Manual’’.

The first thing to do when creating a corporate identity is to determine the colors of the institution and design a logo and create a logotype. The logotype is the most important part of the corporate identity. It is the appearance of its logo that makes the institution catchy, effective, and powerful. 

After the logotype is created, other printed materials that the institution will use inside and outside the company must also be prepared in a way that does not contradict the characteristics of the structure created for the logotype. 

A corporate identity prepared uniquely is extremely important for the success and reputation of the company. Using the existing logos themselves or similar, imitating the colors or images of other companies means investing in them. For this reason, the identity to be created must be prepared in a unique way to represent the company itself.

Corporate identity is an important study that covers all the historical, geographic, and administrative processes of the institution and provides a link between the brand and its target audience. 

The corporate identity project is completed at the end of the research and analysis processes carried out by experts. The corporate identity agency is aware of the fact that corporate identity is used for a long time, creates value for the brand, and is an effective work in the public relations process. 

Being corporate means that companies increase their awareness and strengthen their brand reputation by having a single face in every field they exist.

1. Brand Personality

A corporate identity is the visual representation of your brand’s values ​​and “personality”. Identity design sets the tone for your brand and is used to evoke certain emotions in your audience. 

Your brand identity should be designed to convey your company’s overall message and promote your business goals.

2. Different Design

Your corporate identity helps you to be distinguished in your industry and to position your brand correctly. 
A creative corporate identity design designed by a professional team will help you catch the attention of potential customers in your market.

3. Consistent Message

If you want to improve your corporate image, you must create a consistent message in all your corporate identity materials. 

Each piece should have the same basic styles and design elements and create a harmonious corporate identity kit.

4. Raise Awareness

Creating a corporate identity kit ensures that all your marketing materials that help increase the awareness of your brand are at the forefront. 

In all fairs and events where you carry out the marketing activities of your brand, you can establish more contact with your target audience and be more memorable.

5. Brand Loyalty

An effective corporate identity helps build customer loyalty and trust in your brand, as it enables you to establish a connection with your target audience.

The corporate identity used by almost all companies today is an important guide that reflects the vision and mission of the brand and creates the brand identity.

The process of establishing corporate identity is a process that emerges as a result of the combination of very comprehensive and creative elements.

This process is done by corporate identity agencies specialized in corporate identity. The corporate identity agency is responsible for creating the corporate guide requested by the brand by combining the needs and expectations of the brand with the professional process.

Corporate identity agencies take into account that corporate identity does not consist of a few graphics, but a brand value that reflects the spirit of the brand with a much more comprehensive expression.

Corporate identity is one of the ways companies communicate with their target audience and increase their awareness. For this reason, a corporate identity agency should analyze the brand when starting the project and create a guide that includes the brand value in the light of correct connections.

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